Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Vacation -OR- StressCreation?

Really looking forward to the fun and hilarity of the upcoming long weekend away, but damn, if I don't hate the stress of all the stuff that has to happen before we go! I mean really, how much STUFF do we need to take...I realize when we're going to "live off the land" for 5 days, i.e. camping, we are required to bring everything imaginable..."just in case."

I admit, I'm a big offender of the "just in case" rule, but if I'm going to be sweating my ass off in the blazing sun, with sand in every imaginable crevice, and barely a shower for approximately 120 hours, then I think I'm entitled to bring my "just in case" crap!

I'm keep telling myself it'll be okay once the car is's the packing that really stresses me out. So after few deep breathing exercises this morning and the obligatory tiff with my hubby, we should have "AIS" (Ass In Seat) and stress free by noon!


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